WCC Group were honoured to assist Argyll and Bute Council in bringing Christmas cheer to Helensburgh along with a host of other local businesses in order to help Douglas the Christmas Tree settle into his new home on Colquhoun Square.
“Douglas” the Christmas Tree was donated to Helensburgh last Thursday by Luss Estates and thanks to the help of WCC Group and three other local businesses is now standing proudly and awaiting the installation of its lights and star.
The majestic 35ft tree arrived on a low loader from Sharp’s, having been felled first thing that morning from Luss Estates. “Douglas” was then unloaded by M&T Builders Merchants before WCC Group’s Gerald Johnstone and Alistair Todd worked their chainsaw magic to size and trim the trunk so it would slide in to the holding cavity below ground level.
It was a real task for our chainsaw lads to trim Douglas down to size, as the tree was quite substantial. However, Gerald and Alistair tackled head on and eventually the magic of an upright tree emerged.
Once installed, barriers donated by Speedy Services were put in place temporarily until the next phase of the work begins next week. Sounds so simple and looked effortless too, but this was a complex exercise only made possible by the expertise and skill of all involved.
A great day, Santa would be very proud of the community spirit in Helensburgh, just what the kindness of Christmas should be about. WCC Group would like to thank Luss Estates for donating Douglas, and to all of the local businesses who kindly donated their time, labour and resources to bring Douglas to Helensburgh. We can’t wait to see how the Christmas elves make sure he sparkles to show Santa the way to Helensburgh this year. Ho, ho, ho.